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Performance, 2016, 45 minutes

The board stands.
The board bows.
The board touches the floor.

The board walks.
The board covers.
The board blocks our view.

                     The board boards.

Concept and Choreography: Monica Duncan
Created with and performed by: Wicki Bernhardt, Elisabeth Hampe, Tanja Kodlin, Emmilou Rößling, Anja Sauer and Zuzana Zabkova
Choreographic and Dramaturgical assistance: Catalina Insignares and Carolina Mendonça
Technical assistance: Caroline Creutzburg, Frida Laux and Janna Athena Pinsker

Performed at the Institute of Applied Theater Studies, JLU Gießen and Frankfurt Lab. Supported by the Hessische Theaterakademie.

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